
Hello Kitty

2 mm crochet hook
Polyester yarn  (yellow, white, purple, brown)
Needle for sewing
Felt (yellow and black) for making nose and eyes

sc: single crochet
ch: chain
inc : increase
dec: decrease
F/O: Fasten off

With white, ch 7
R1: sc in the second ch from the hook, 5sc, sc in the corner, 6sc, sc in the last corner (14)
R2:  inc, 4sc, inc, sc, inc, 4sc, inc, sc (18)
R3: inc, sc, inc, 2sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, rep 2x (26)
R4: inc, sc, inc, 6sc, inc, sc, inc, rep 2x (34)
R5: inc, 2sc, inc, 8sc, inc, 2sc, inc, sc, rep 2x (42)
R6-14: sc round (42)
R15: dec, 2sc, dec, 8sc, dec, 2sc, dec, sc, rep 2x (34)
R16: dec, sc, dec,6 sc, dec, sc, dec, sc, rep 2x (26)
Stuff the head firmly.
R17: dec, sc, dec, sc 2, dec, sc, dec, sc, rep 2x (18)

Ears (make 2):
With white
R1: ch 2, sc 6 in the second ch from hook (6)
R2: sc, inc, rep 3x (9)
R3:2 sc, inc, rep 3x (12)
R4: 3sc, inc, rep 3x (15)
R5: 4sc, inc, rep 3x (18)
F/O leaving long tail for sewing to the head.

With  yellow
R1: ch 2, sc 6 in the second ch from hook (6)
R2: inc around (12)
R3: sc, inc, rep 6x (18)
R4: 2sc, inc, rep 6x (24)
R5: 3sc, inc, rep 6x (30)
R6: 4sc, Inc, rep 6x (36)
R7-8: sc around (36)
R9: 4sc, dec, rep 6x (30)
R10: 3sc, dec, rep 6x (24)
R11-13: sc around (24)
Change color to purple
R14-15: (use back loop only in the 14th row) sc around (24)
F/O leaving long tail for sewing.

Hands (make2):
With white
R1: ch 2, sc 6 in the second ch from hook (6)
R2: inc around (12)
R3: 3sc, inc, rep 3x (15)
R4-5: sc around (15)
Change color to purple
R6: 3sc, dec, rep 3x (12)
R7: 2sc, dec, rep 3x (9)
R8-9: sc around (9)
Stuff the hand
R10: sc, dec, rep 3x (6)
F/O leaving long tail for sewing.

Legs (make 2):
With brown
R1: ch2, sc 6 in the second ch from hook (6)
R2: inc around (12)
R3: 5sc, inc, rep 2x (14)
R4: 6sc, inc, rep 2x (16)
R5: 7sc, inc, rep 2x (18)
Change color to yellow
R6: work in back loop only, sc 8, inc, rep 2x (20)
R7: 8sc, dec, rep 2x (18)
R8: 7sc,  dec, rep 2x (16)
F/O leaving long tail.
With yellow, sc around in the front loop of the 5th row.
Stuff the leg.

Finishing for cloth:
Ch 14, sc in the second ch from hook, sc 12 in the other sc(s). F/O leaving long tail for sewing. (make 2)
Button (make 2) : ch 2, 5sc in the second ch from hook. F/O. With  black yarn sew X in the button.

With white

R1: ch2, 4 sc in the second ch from hook (4)
R2: inc around (8)
R3: sc, inc, rep 4x (12)
R4: sc around (12)
 F/O leaveing long tail for sewing

-          Sew ears to the head
-          Sew hands to the body
-          Sew body to the head
-          Sew legs to the body
-          Cut 2 small oval of black felt to make eyes and a small oval of yellow felt to make nose.
            Glue them to the head
-          Sew the mustache with black yarn
-          Sew the cloth stuff to the body (cloth)
-          Glue the button to the cloth
-          Sew the tail to body
-          Sew the body to make pocket

This crochet pattern is my creations, Zan Merry. You may make a copy of this pattern for your own personal use but DON'T reprint this pattern, or post it on any other website. You are welcome to link to this pattern and if you post your own pictures of  hello kitty you create, please credit accordingly and include a link to this original pattern.

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